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The Relationship Between Sports Club Participation, Physical Activity, and Health Behaviors Among Older Korean Adults
20241201 12권 23호

실적 외

  • 스포츠교육학
  • 스포츠코칭
  • 스포츠지도사 코칭역량
  • (2024) Factors influencing injury severity and frequency among Korean sports participants in their 20s and 30s. In Healthcare (Vol. 12, No. 6, p. 664) (SSCI)
  • (2024) The Hierarchy of Sustainable Sports Coaching Competencies in Korea. Sustainability, 16(2), 718 (SSCI)
  • (2024) The Associations between the Number of School Sports Teams That a Student Regularly Participates in and Factors Such as Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Sleep Satisfaction among Korean Adolescents Who Have Attempted Suicide. Children, 11(1), 77 (SCIE)
  • (2024) Relationship of the number of days of participation in school physical education classes in a week with body mass index, number of hospital treatments for school violence, and mental health status among Korean male adolescents (SSCI)
  • (2023) Analysis of the Problem-Based Learning Model’s Application for the Sustainable Development of Sports Education. Sustainability, 15(18), 13684 (SSCI)
  • (2023) 퍼스널트레이너의 바디프로필 프로그램 지도경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구. 한국체육과학회지, 32(6), 461-473 (KCI)
  • (2023) Perceptions of “Sports for All” Instructor Competence in the Republic of Korea: A Big Data Analysis Approach. Sustainability, 15(20), 14788 (SSCI)
  • (2023) e 스포츠 지도자의 아카데미 학생 지도경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구: H e 스포츠아카데미를 중심으로. 한국체육과학회지, 32(4), 503-515 (KCI)
  • (2023) 생활스포츠지도사의 코칭역량 햠양 및 강화 방안 탐색: 자격 연수과정을 중심으로." 한국체육학회지 62(3) 479-493 (KCI)
  • (2023) The structural relationship between basic psychological needs, grit, and the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(3), 1758 (Scopus)
  • (2022) Effect of a Taekwondo Academy’s Technology-Based Self-Service on Perceived Value and Intention to Use Continuously in the Interaction between Humans and Technology. Applied Sciences, 12(23), 12420 (SCIE)
  • (2022) IPA 기법을 활용한 승마 교육서비스품질 개선에 관한 연구. 한국체육학회지, 61(5), 355-366 (KCI)
  • (2020) 승마지도자들의 학생승마체험 교육경험에 관한 내러티브탐구. 한국체육과학회지, 29(5), 671-685 (KCI)