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제목 [No. 221 Article Of Culture] BTS, the First Singer to be Appointed as a Special Presidential Envoy
카테고리 ArticleOfCulture

BTS, the First Singer to be Appointed as a Special Presidential Envoy


Cheongdae Times Senior Reporter of International Affairs, Seong-won Kim



BTS, reached the top of Billboard for the first time as a Korean singer


BTS, who topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart for the first time in the history of Korean singers, was appointed as the first special presidential envoy.


After BTS topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart for the first time with ‘Dynamite’ as a Korean singer and the second time as an Asian singer, they topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart again with ‘Savage Love’, which they participated in as a featured artist, and became the longest-running top singer of this year since they topped Billboard Hot 100 chart 10 times with ‘Butter’.


The most noticeable record achieved by BTS, who are making a new history of Korean pop culture, is the baton-touching on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.


BTS pushed ‘Butter’, which had been at the top on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for seven consecutive weeks in July, and topped the chart with their third English song ‘Permission to Dance.’


Like this, baton-touching their top song to their song is one of the few milestones in the Billboard history. Throughout the Billboard history, they achieved it three years after Drake and 12 years after Black Eyed Piece as a group throughout the Billboard history.



BTS, who is raising the status of Korea, has recently been appointed as the first special presidential envoy as a popular singer, attracting domestic and foreign attention.


They were exactly appointed as the Presidential Special Mission for Future Generations and Culture. the Blue House said, “As part of public diplomacy to expand diplomatic horizons through the gathering of the people’s diplomatic capabilities, they have enhanced our national image leading global issues through collaboration with private experts who are engaged in outstanding activities around the world.”


Therefore, BTS will attend international conferences such as the 75th UN General Assembly this month to deliver messages of comfort and hope to young people who will be responsible for future generations around the world asa‘special presidential envoy for future generations and culture.’


In addition, they plan to carry out activities to promote international cooperation to solve various global tasks such as improving environmental and poverty and inequality.


While BTS, who has spread hope and positive energy to the world and the people of the Republic of Korea tired of the prolonged COVID-19 has been appointed as a special envoy to draw keen attention. I think that BTS needs is enthusiastic support and encouragement from the whole nation.



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